Let Go
The big picture is forming up nicely. I got home from the Project Positive Change retreat last night to my family and the puzzle I’d left on the table. No one attempted any pieces while I was gone, so I sat down to pull more of the big picture together.
There’s satisfaction in having larger chunks finally meet and connect. It feels like putting continents together on a globe when different backgrounds, colors, and meanings meet for the first time – or again after a long hiatus.
You see, this weekend was a retreat about finding pent up energy that’s not serving you in life or in business. When we allow circumstances to hold space in our hearts, souls, minds, and guts, blocking us from letting them go so we can move forward, we miss out on our full potential, on happiness, and on abundance.
I don’t understand all the terminology we discussed regarding chakras, energy centers, personality profiles and the like, but I don’t need to. I’m not that girl. But this doesn’t mean I can’t benefit from it. Everything we practiced had significance.
The different modalities are used to cater to different learning styles, just as in school. We all learn differently. Some need tactile experiences while others prefer visual cues, and there are those who need the straight-up textbook reading style. I enjoy a combination of them all.
Making Changes
When I came home, I was exhausted, a bit feverish, and didn’t feel like doing much, but I made a significant yet subtle gesture. I changed my name on Facebook to drop my maiden name. I don’t need that name to have people recognize me from my past, and I don’t need to hang onto old wounds from childhood, either.
In fact, it felt good to cut the cords that have held me down a long time. I am not saying there was anything overly awful that I had to let go, but there were things making me play the same stories over and over in my mind about how I see the world today . . . things that were holding me back in life and in business.
New Discoveries
This puzzle is still not finished. After this one is complete, I’ll open up another box with a new picture to put together – a new discovery to make. Maybe it will encompass something not seen before that will encourage me to let go and propel me again!
Do you need to let go of something in your life and find your life purpose?
Life Purpose Challenge
If you’re unsure where to begin, take this free Life Purpose Challenge to get in alignment with your unique lifestyle.
Meet the Author, Sally Hendrick
As an international, keynote speaker, Social Media Examiner contributor, and Founder of Social Media Traffic School, Sally specializes in target market research, marketing funnels, digital courses, and Facebook advertising strategies.
With 25 years experience as an actuarial statistician, Sally has been turning statistics into stories for companies to adjust and tweak their marketing programs to be effective. While working with solopreneurs and small businesses through her online academy of classes to help them plan their marketing strategies using social media, Sally also helps medium and large size companies create strategic marketing plans and train marketing staff to carry out company objectives. Her methods are used to successfully increase return on investment with social media, as traditional marketing tactics are bringing increasingly less return.
Sally resides in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and 3 daughters. Message Sally on Facebook to get in touch.